
Compete in mini-games, advance through and aim to be first.

🎮 Start Playing

CA: Coming Soon...

How It Works

Each week, a new coin is created and announced on X @TrenchRaceSOL to fund the prize pool for the games!

The website is refreshed weekly with new games and challenges, keeping the competition fresh.

The winner takes the dev wallet, funded by that week’s new coin.

How to Win

🎮 Complete mini-games to progress and unlock Keys.

🔑 Solve each key provided along the way.

🏆 The final mini-game reveals where to submit your final code.

🚀 Be the first to submit everything correctly to win!

The Grand Prize

🏆 The first player to submit the correct answer wins the entire developer wallet!

🔒 Dev tokens are locked for 10 minutes, which is the estimated time to complete the games.

📢 Once a winner is confirmed, the award will automatically be sent.

💰 The winner's submission, name, and wallet address will be posted on X @TrenchRaceSOL.


Total Supply: 1 Billion Tokens

Dev Wallet (Prize): 5%

Community: 95%


Week Name Wallet Completion Time
No winners yet! Be the first to become a winner!

News & Announcements

Each week, the dev wallet percentage will increase, and new games and challenges will be introduced! Stay tuned on our X for weekly updates! 🚀